2011- Present. Director. European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Budapest, Hungary.

07/2004 – 08/2010. International Director at CDTI, the Spanish Innovation Agency. Ministry of Science and Innovation. Madrid, Spain.

07/1996 – 06/2004. Head of Space Programmes Departments at CDTI. Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade. Madrid, Spain.

09/1992 – 06/1996. Spanish Delegate to ESA Satellite Programme Boards

09/1989 – 06/1992. Telecommunication Systems Engineer. Alcatel Espacio S.A. (Thales-Aerospace). Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain.

03/1987 – 10/1987. Telecommunications R&D Engineer. DCG Ingenieros & Lounais Suomen Telepiiri. Madrid & Turku (Spain and Finland)


2007 – 2009. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economics of Innovation and Technology Management (30 credits). Currently PhD candidate. Interuniversity PhD Programme of the Autonomous (UAM), Complutense (UCM) and Technical (UPM) Universities of Madrid (Spain)

2001 – 2002. Specialist in Economics of Telecommunications (40 credits) Fundación UNED (National Distance-Learning University) – Madrid (Spain)

1998 – 1999. Specialist in Strategic Management of ICT (22 credits) University-Business Foundation (Technical University of Madrid, Spain)

1995 – 1996. Diploma in Advanced International Studies (13 credits) Spanish Society of Higher International Studies, Madrid (Spain). Student in 1991, Academic staff in 1992 and Invited professors in 2003 Summer Sessions. International Space University (ISU) in Toulouse, France; Kitakyushu, Japan; and Pomona, US.

10/1987 – 06/1989. Master in Business Administration studies. Institute of Business Administration and Management (ICADE, Comillas University) – Madrid (Spain)

09/1980 – 06/1987. Telecommunications Engineer. Technical University of Madrid (Advanced Technical School), Spain 


Former member of the Board of ENSA (Equipos Nucleares S.A.), a specialised Spanish supplier and manufacturer of equipment for nuclear plants successfully supplying world markets.

Former member of the Spain India Council, a high level Council composed of high level public and private authorities interested to promote collaboration between both countries.

Since 2013, member of the strategic advisory council of the (CEU) Central European University Business School, sponsored by the millionaire and philanthropist Georges Soros.

Awarded ‘Engineer of the year 2013’ by the Telecommunications Engineering Professional Association of Castilla-La Mancha Region in Spain.

Member of the High-Level Expert Panel for the assessment of the current structure and recommendation of a new organisation of the COST Scientific Committees in view of H2020

Member of the Jury of the ‘Prince of Asturias Award’ for Technical and Scientific Research 2014.

Awarded ‘Hijo Predilecto’ by the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government in 2014.


Contributor to European workshops on innovation organised by the European Commission, the European Space Agency, Eureka, Taftie, etc. as well as international Conferences and Symposia of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) – see papers below. 

Director of a series of annual Summer courses at the “Menéndez Pelayo International University” (UIMP) in Santander in 2008-2010, aimed at fostering the internationalisation of Spanish regional innovation systems. Lecturer in post-graduate courses at several Business Schools and Universities.

Speaker in Latin-América R&D events: CYTED (Perú, October 2005), PRIME NoE (Mexico DF, September 2008), CINTEL (Colombia, October 2008), SEGIB (Salamanca, España, 2009), etc.

Contributor to national conferences organized by COTEC (Spanish Foundation for the promotion of innovation), engineering colleges, business associations and regional innovation agencies.


Diploma of Advanced Studies by three Madrid Universities achieved in 2008 with a dissertation on “European policies to foster trans-national R&D cooperation involving SMEs: current instruments and some proposals for further action” backed by 30 credits of PhD pre-doctoral education.

Selected by ESSID 2008 (European Summer School on Industrial Dynamics) on “The economics of knowledge appropriability and exchange”, jointly organised by the DIME, Politecnico di Torimo, EPIP, ZEW and Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Monte Sant´Angelo, Italy, September 1st-6th, 2008.

Selected doctoral candidate for the Winter School “Science and Technology Indicators in the Move”, organised by the PRIME Network of Excellence and CERIS (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Ricerca sull´Impresa e lo Sviluppo, November 5th-9th, 2007. Rome, Italy.

Scholarship holder in the 4th PRIME Budapest PhD Conference on “Global Challenges to R&D and Innovation Policy” organised by IKU Innovation Center, June 21st-23rd, 2007, Budapest, Hungary.

Participant to the “Escuela de Economía de la Innovación Zvi Griliches : Inversión en conocimiento e innovación”, jointly organised by COTEC and UIMP July 17th-19th, 2006 Santander, Spain.


Comparative dynamics of inter-firm technology partnering in Europe and Latin-America: a Spanish perspective on trans-national Technology Platforms”, paper presented at the 2nd Innovation Symposium organised by ISPIM , New York, USA, December 2009.

Beyond Europe and Latin-America: the Spanish Innovation Agency´s cooperation experience and technology programmes with China, India and Korea”, paper presented at the 1st Innovation Symposium of ISPIM, Singapore, December 2008.

Intergovernmental R&D organisations and networks in Europe and their potential: lessons from Eureka and ESA”, paper presented at the International Conference of ISPIM, Warsaw, June 2007.

Sectoral determinants of cross-border technology cooperation among firms: evidence from Spain”, poster presented at the 4th PRIME International PhD Conference, Budapest, June 2007.

Several papers on radiofrequency technologies and systems, UPM/URSI between 1988 and 1987.


Several courses on spacecraft systems engineering – Madrid, November 1998 and Southampton, 22 to 26 November 1993) and “Satellite Communications and Broadcasting”, Eurotraining, Madrid, 24 and 25 March 1992 and Maral & Bousquet / CEI-ELSEVIER, Toledo, 15 to 19 October 1990.

100 hours of training in effective management habits, priority-setting and skills development with Franklin-Covey (July 2009, October 2004 and June-July 2003), leadership and motivation by IIR (May 2002), management of innovation (University Carlos III, March 1993).

80 hours on basic Economics by the Economics College of Madrid, October to December 1994 and basic Finance, College of Industrial Organisation, October to December 1993.

Twenty-five centuries of philosophy” (21 hours), by Julián Marías, November 1993 to May 1994.


Regular articles in CINCO DIAS (2007 to 2010), BIT magazine of the Official College of Telecommunication Engineers (2001 to 2006) and EL PAIS (1991 to 2014).

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